Managed WordPress Hosting

NVMe drives up to 12x faster than SSD.
CPU up to 5.3 Ghz.
Free SSL and Support 24/7.

Fast and Secure Managed WordPress Hosting

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Essential WordPress tools

For easy management and simple website modification


Litespeed Cache

The page loads faster thanks to the cache on the web server.

Available in any package


WordPress DEV-version

Copy of WodPress, where you can easily test changes on the website.

Available in any package


Git Installed

Interface for working with the Git repository via the SSH console.

Available in any package


WP-CLI Activated

Manage your WordPress website from the SSH command line using WP-CLI.

Available in any package

Each package includes

  • POP3, IMAP, SMTP protocols (including SSL)
  • Secure Webmail to work with emails in browser
  • Autoresponders, forwarders for email accounts
  • Antivirus scaner for incoming emails
  • Securing against SPAM
  • File manager in administrative panel
  • Unlimited subdomains
  • Subdomains, websites and FTP accounts management
  • Access / Error logs (server logs), server statistics
  • .htaccess management, custom error pages
  • Cron tasks management
  • Custom error notifications (400, 500 etc)
  • Database server MariaDB 10
  • Database server PostgreSQL 9.2
  • Access with phpMyAdmin\phpPgAdmin
  • Remote connection to MySQL
  • Everyday backups
  • Antivirus scaner
  • Protection against bots
  • Securing folders with password
  • Web server - Nginx+Apache, Litespeed
  • PHP 4.4 - 8.0
  • Support of Perl 5, Python Selector 2.7.18 - 3.8.1
  • Support of Ruby Selector (only in cPanel), NodeJS Selector 9.11.2 - 10.22.0;
  • Technical support 24/7/365
  • SSL Certificates from Let鈥檚 Encrypt
  • Administrative panel DirectAdmin or cPanel
korzy艣ci NVMe

Free SSL for every website

Best technical support, speed and safety!

Thanks to our professional WordPress experts support team

Even better support

The specialists of our support department have a great knowledge about the WordPress CMS system. We are available 24/7 via email or registration system. We are happy to help you move the site, configure WordPress plugins and optimize the speed of the website.


High performance

Our platforms for WordPress using Intel processors with up to 5.3 Ghz frequency on cores and fast NVMe SSD drives. Also we are using one of the most powerfull caching system – Litespeed Cache.

Maximum security

Everyday websites and WordPress plugins are checking on vulnerabilities with special security server addons. At night we are creating automatic backups and storing them in 2 different data centers for better data security. In case of hacking to website or admin panel – we can restore website for free.


WordPress NVMe Hosting from Hostovita

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that usually installed on a website, which can be a blog, business landing page, an online woocommerce store or a cloud with data. The CMS allows you to manage everything that is published on the site: posts, statistics, styles and fonts etc. Almost every third website in the world uses WordPress for content management, so reliable WordPress hosting is essential for stable and fast website loading.

Due to the large number of additions to cPanel / DirectAdmin in our hosting products and our backup/restore service – the website will be safe at all times. WordPress is not only a cheap and fast way to run your own site, but also offer the ability to securely store data with two-factor authentication, change the address to the admin panel and daily backups.

Today WordPress is the most popular “engine” for creating websites not only in Poland, but all over the world. A huge amount of content, videos and tips on WordPress makes this CMS maybe the best choice to run a website.

漏 2015-2024 Hostovita sp. z o.o. Wszelkie prawa zastrze偶one.